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You can find the license ID in IDA under Help, About
* required field

Expand the license section by clicking on the plus sign and then fill in the count for each type of license you are interested in. You can find the detailed license rules here. This quote system is intended to provide rough estimates for budgeting purposes only. We reserve the right to change the prices any time. We are not responsible for any incorrect calculations in this online quote system. Official prices will be calculated by a sales agent at the time of order. You can find our current price list and product SKUs here Price List

IDA Licenses
NAMED :: Pro Named Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Named for Windows
Additional Pro Named for Windows
Upgrade Pro Named for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Named for Linux
Additional Pro Named for Linux
Upgrade Pro Named for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Named for Mac
Additional Pro Named for Mac
Upgrade Pro Named for Mac

COMPUTER :: Pro Computer Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Computer for Windows
Additional Pro Computer for Windows
Upgrade Pro Computer for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Computer for Linux
Additional Pro Computer for Linux
Upgrade Pro Computer for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Computer for Mac
Additional Pro Computer for Mac
Upgrade Pro Computer for Mac
FLOATING :: Pro Floating Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Floating for Windows
Additional Pro Floating for Windows
Upgrade Pro Floating for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Floating for Linux
Additional Pro Floating for Linux
Upgrade Pro Floating for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base Pro Floating for Mac
Additional Pro Floating for Mac
Upgrade Pro Floating for Mac

To purchase a Hex-Rays Decompiler license, you must either purchase an IDA license first or currently have an active IDA license for the matching OS platform. If your existing IDA license has expired, then you will need to renew it before you can get a Decompiler license for it. Assigned licenses require a current Named or Computer license.

Hex-Rays x86 Decompiler Licenses
X86 :: Fixed Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Fixed for Windows
Additional x86 Fixed for Windows
Upgrade x86 Fixed for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Fixed for Linux
Additional x86 Fixed for Linux
Upgrade x86 Fixed for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Fixed for Mac
Additional x86 Fixed for Mac
Upgrade x86 Fixed for Mac
X86 :: Floating Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Floating for Windows
Additional x86 Floating for Windows
Upgrade x86 Floating for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Floating for Linux
Additional x86 Floating for Linux
Upgrade x86 Floating for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base x86 Floating for Mac
Additional x86 Floating for Mac
Upgrade x86 Floating for Mac

Hex-Rays ARM Decompiler Licenses
ARM :: Fixed Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Assigned for Windows
Additional ARM Assigned for Windows
Upgrade ARM Assigned for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Assigned for Linux
Additional ARM Assigned for Linux
Upgrade ARM Assigned for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Assigned for Mac
Additional ARM Assigned for Mac
Upgrade ARM Assigned for Mac
ARM :: Floating Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Floating for Windows
Additional ARM Floating for Windows
Upgrade ARM Floating for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Floating for Linux
Additional ARM Floating for Linux
Upgrade ARM Floating for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM Floating for Mac
Additional ARM Floating for Mac
Upgrade ARM Floating for Mac

Hex-Rays ARM64 Decompiler Licenses
ARM64 :: Fixed Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Assigned for Windows
Additional ARM64 Assigned for Windows
Upgrade ARM64 Assigned for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Assigned for Linux
Additional ARM64 Assigned for Linux
Upgrade ARM64 Assigned for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Assigned for Mac
Additional ARM64 Assigned for Mac
Upgrade ARM64 Assigned for Mac
ARM64 :: Floating Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Floating for Windows
Additional ARM64 Floating for Windows
Upgrade ARM64 Floating for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Floating for Linux
Additional ARM64 Floating for Linux
Upgrade ARM64 Floating for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base ARM64 Floating for Mac
Additional ARM64 Floating for Mac
Upgrade ARM64 Floating for Mac

Hex-Rays x64 Decompiler Licenses
x64 :: Fixed Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Fixed for Windows
Additional x64 Fixed for Windows
Upgrade x64 Fixed for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Fixed for Linux
Additional x64 Fixed for Linux
Upgrade x64 Fixed for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Fixed for Mac
Additional x64 Fixed for Mac
Upgrade x64 Fixed for Mac
x64 :: Floating Decompiler Licenses
Windows Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Floating for Windows
Additional x64 Floating for Windows
Upgrade x64 Floating for Windows
Linux Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Floating for Linux
Additional x64 Floating for Linux
Upgrade x64 Floating for Linux
Mac OSX Edition
Type Product Count
Base x64 Floating for Mac
Additional x64 Floating for Mac
Upgrade x64 Floating for Mac
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