IDA Reverse Engineering Training


Columbia, MD



3 -day IDA Standard Training Seminar for $3,900
2 -day IDA Advanced Training Seminar for $2,800
5 -day IDA Standard + Advanced Training Seminars for $6,000

Get 10% Group Discount for 4 seats and more


Standard Training Program

Advanced Training Program


Registration form.

What our students said:

"Excellent training. Would recommend highly."

"Great class to learn about the powerful features of IDA."

"Very organized, excellent selection of exercises. They build on one another."

"It was the best reverse engineering course I have ever attended."

"Come prepared. A lot was covered. Learning environment was excellent. Staff are very professional. Learned and gained new skills."

"It is a great course for not only using the tool, but for general understanding of binaries."

"This class is indispensible to a beginning RE, make sure to brush up on assembly instructions and concepts."